Professional Referal Criteria
Palliative and End of Life Hospice at Home Services
Hospice at Home care is a service provided for patients, aged 18 years and over living within our clinical catchment area, in their own home, or their preferred place of residence by Registered Nurses and Hospice Support Workers with additional skills and expertise in End of Life care . Care is free at the point of care delivery.
Care can be provided during the day, at night, and at weekends depending on the individual needs of the patient and their carer(s) Our Registered Nurses will fully initially assess the patient following detailed discussion with community and hospital teams to develop an individualised nursing care package . The care package can be delivered entirely by our Registered Nurses or will involve care delivered by our experienced team of Hospice Support Workers. The care spells and episodes are not time limited ensuring that the patient and carer receive individualised care, support, and symptom control as required.
Regular contact is made with Community colleagues during care delivery to ensure that any deterioration in the patients condition is communicated to our community colleagues to ensure that patient comfort at end of life is not compromised.
Referral Criteria for Hospice at Home Provision:
Additional holistic needs of patients that are not able to be met by other agencies
The patient must meet Fast-track criteria
Referral via health care professional
Patients and their families understand and agree to the service
Patients should be identified on the Gold Standards Framework register
Agreement for essential equipment to be in place/on order to ensure patient and staff safety
To facilitate rapid discharge from secondary care for EoLc or to prevent hospital admission if appropriate​
Additional Information from Referrer
Risks in Household
Lone working considerations
Equipment in the Home
Prescribed Anticipatory Medications
Valid DNA/CPR decision document
EHCP located in the Home.

Our Clinical Catchment Area