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Our History


By a group of healthcare professionals who recognized a need for palliative Day Care. Set up as a Deed of Trust.



Day Care provision was delivered out of borrowed premises in Alnwick and Berwick  



Castleside House was officially opened for Day Care by Princess Alexandra.



One of the founders of HCNN -Hazel Marsden, left a large legacy, and a property was purchased and named after Hazel. This building provides space for beneficiaries to meet with nurses, and attend bereavement and dementia support, as well as a space for the retail shop.



HCNN Charity was incorporated with the Charity Commission.



Hospice at Home was launched and Day Care was reduced to drop-ins


JULY 2019

Greensfield House opened by the Duchess of Northumberland as a Well Being Centre


MARCH 2020

Covid-19 restrictions began impacting hugely on all aspects of HospiceCare North Northumberland and ended in late 2021

The Duchess of Northumberland officially opens our new

Alnwick Wellbeing Centre, Greensfield House, in July 2019

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Our Legal Name is

'The North Northumberland Hospice'

Memorandum and Articles of Association- our governing document


Our Objects

“The care and relief of persons suffering from a potentially life-limiting illness, the support of carers and of the bereaved, all in such ways as the Trustees shall from time to time think fit, and primarily in North Northumberland”


Our Beneficiary Geographic Area

The geographic area has not changed since the inception of HospiceCare North Northumberland as a charity. Morpeth is an area that has been considered by trustees in the past as there is a lack of provision. We currently serve a population of circa 63,000 people living in some of the most rural parts of North Northumberland.






Our Care Services


Nurses and Hospice Support Workers provide end-of-life palliative and respite care 365 days a year day or night, planned or in a crisis situation. We can facilitate a rapid discharge from the hospital.



Specialist Dementia Nurse (RGN) and Dementia Support Coordinator offering advice.

Dementia Walking Football in partnership with The Newcastle United Foundation. Sessions are held at Sports Centres in Alnwick. Regular Dementia Drop-In Cafes and Seated Exercise Classes in Alnwick and Berwick



Bereavement Drop-In Cafes twice monthly at our Wellbeing Centres at Alnwick and Berwick.

Bereavement support Volunteers work one to one.





Our Charity Stores

In 2022 we implemented a Gift Aid facility on all our donated shop items which will have a significant impact on future Income Generation. We currently have shops in Amble, Berwick and Wooler.

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Our Clinical Catchment Area

Berwick Store

Opened in 2015 with a Northern Rock Grant of £25,000 which enabled the building to be split into Shop/Clinical space.

Wooler Store

Opened in 2017.  This building is rented from Glendale Gateway Trust.

Amble Store

Opened in 2019.  This building is rented from a private landlord.

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The Story of our Berwick Wellbeing Centre and Charity Store Hazel Marsden House

Hazel Marsden, (pictured) an Occupational  Therapist at Berwick Infirmary in the 1980’s, was one of the founder members of the Alnwick and Berwick Day Hospice. When she died in 2002 she left HospiceCare a legacy of £200,000 which was used to purchase the Old Seaman’s Mission which was named Hazel Mardsen House in her honour.

Our Annual Gross Income

2017        2018         2019         2020        2021        2022    2023
570K        611K         773K         818K        £1.1m       £1m    £808K

How we are Governed

HospiceCare North Northumberland is governed by a Board of Trustees, who are all volunteers, appointed to undertake the role on a voluntary basis. They are recruited from the beneficiary community from a range of professions and bring a range of skills to help manage and lead the direction, policy, and strategy of the organisation.  To read about each of our Trustees, please click on the link below

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ALNWICK WELLBEING CENTRE: Unit 3 Greensfield Ind. Estate, Willowburn Avenue, Alnwick, Northumberland, NE66 2DG
BERWICK WELLBEING CENTRE: Hazel Marsden House, Violet Terrace, Berwick, TD15 1LU

©2025 by HospiceCare North Northumberland. The North Northumberland Hospice is a charity and company limited by guarantee. Registered office: Greensfield House, Unit 3 Greensfield Industrial Estate, Willowburn Avenue, Alnwick, Northumberland, NE66 2DG. Registered as a charity and company in England No. 04925273.  Charity No. 1103635

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