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Mother and Daughter

Dementia Support Services

HospiceCare recognises the impact Dementia can have on a person and their loved ones. We have a Specialist Dementia Nurse and Dementia Support Coordinator with a high level of experience caring for those with dementia. Wherever a person is on their dementia journey, our Specialist Dementia Nurse can offer advice and signpost carers to the most relevant and appropriate support for both the person with dementia and their family. We aim to improve the well-being and quality of life for both the person with dementia and their carer(s). Our Dementia Support Service offers Dementia Drop-In cafes at our Wellbeing centres in Alnwick and Berwick and Dementia Walking Football sessions at leisure centres in Alnwick & Berwick.


Eligibility: This free and confidential service is available to the person with a dementia diagnosis aged 18 and over and registered with a GP in our catchment area.


Referral: You can access our Dementia support via self-referral by calling our team on T. 01665 606515 or T. 01289 309997 or asking your GP or another health professional to refer you.

Dementia Drop-in Cafe at Alnwick

Date at a cafe

Our Dementia cafes are run on a regular basis from our Wellbeing centre in Alnwick. We welcome the carer to join us with their loved ones. Our dementia cafe gives an opportunity for social engagement over a cuppa, to share memories, and listen to music. The atmosphere is always warm and welcoming with an opportunity for the carer to have a one-to-one chat with our Dementia Care Coordinator, whom you can guarantee will greet you with a friendly smile. Places are limited, so we ask that you contact our nursing  team directly at T. 01665 606515 or email us at: Our Drop-in Cafes are available to adults 18 years and over living within our clinical catchment area and registered with a local GP.

Dementia Walking Football


Our weekly Walking Football sessions, for those with a dementia diagnosis, are now open for registration. In collaboration with The Newcastle United Foundation, these hour-long sessions are as fun as they are beneficial and are followed by a cuppa and cake. You are welcome to come along to watch a game and meet us before you join. For adults over 18. FREE to register. Please call our Specialist Dementia Nurse on T. 01665 606515 or T. 01289 309997

Dementia Walking Football at Alnwick

Every Wednesday at Willowburn Leisure Centre, Alnwick, 11 am until 12 noon, followed by cake and a cuppa. 

Dementia Walking Football at Berwick

Every Monday at the Berwick Sports and Leisure Centre 10.30am - 11.30am followed by a cuppa and cake.  

New - Seated Exercise Classes at Alnwick & Berwick

VITALITY MATTERS (Facebook Post).jpg

We are pleased to inform you about the introduction of a new service, Vitality Matters, designed to supplement our current Dementia Support Services - seated exercise classes at our Wellbeing Centres in Alnwick and Berwick for individuals with a Dementia diagnosis.  These classes will be run weekly in small groups for a period  of six continuous weeks. Each 30-minute session will comprise seated exercises, followed by a relaxation period accompanied by soothing music and concluding with a cup of tea or coffee. The sessions will be overseen by Gillian P Evans, a certified Occupational Therapist (RCOT) representing HospiceCare. 

Seated exercise is good for those with Dementia because it helps maintain coordination and balance. Exercises that involve moving different parts of the body in different directions help with this. Improving blood supply and nutrients to the brain. This can help thinking skills and memory. Our classes are free to join and registration is now open to those living within our clinical catchment area, are over the age of 18, and registered with a local GP.  For more information/to register your interest, please call our Nursing Team Monday to Friday 9am-4.30pm on T. 01665 606515 or T. 01289 309997 or email:

Our Impact

"All the girls were very professional at what they did. They gave utmost respect and care. They always talked to my wife and explained what they were going to do. They kept me involved as well which I appreciated very much. Some days my wife wasn’t up to having anyone do anything and the girls understood that and didn’t push her. On those days they would talk to us and then leave."

Old Couple

Get in Touch with our Specialist Dementia Nurse, Amy

You can call us in the strictest confidence for more information on T. 01665 606515 or T. 01289 309997, Monday to Friday 9am-4.30pm 


Our Clinical Catchment Area

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