We provide emotional and practical support across North Northumberland to adults and their families living with a life-limiting illness requiring palliative input, through our Hospice at Home service accessed via a GP, District Nurse, or other Healthcare professional. Our Hospice at Home enables those at the end of life to die at home if that is their wish. We also provide Bereavement and Dementia support services which can be accessed via self-referral. Our care is delivered free at the point of need.
The Grey Family Story - A short 3 minute film
The Grey family shares their story of the impact of having the support of HospiceCare's Hospice at Home service that enabled their Dad/Husband to die at home, which was his wish.
What HospiceCare means to me...
"HospiceCare to me means we get to participate in one of the most private times in a person’s life, we are able as a team, to bring a high level of care and expertise into people’s homes so each person can have a peaceful and comfortable final journey. Holding the hand of a wonderful Lady, watching what was to be her final sunrise is a memory I will cherish forever. I think it is a true honour to be able to work in Hospice Care." Hilary, Hospice Support Worker, Hospice at Home Team

Our Clinical Catchment Area